It connects the world through land, sea and air routes beyond the aortic logistics and pipelines of the world.

It connects the world through land, sea and air routes beyond the aortic logistics and pipelines of the world.

We will take responsibility for the pipe rack for the pipeline installation, which is the aorta of the Yeosu Industrial complex.

Advantages of Pipeline logistics
  • Low maintenance cost and secure safety
  • Continuous, mass transportation possible
  • Fully automated transportation using computer system
  • Environmentally friendly transportation without environmental pollution during transportation. 

14km-long pipe rack connecting the existing industrial complex area and the Nakpo area pier has been completed.

KS GROUP |  CEO: Kim Wan-sik 

Head office 17, Jungheung 2-ro, Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea 
Administration:  432-2,wollaedong,Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

TEL : (+82) 61-691-6641  | EMAIL :

Copyright ⓒ KOREA WORLD SERVICE CO.,LTD.  All rights reserved.

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