It connects the world through land, sea and air routes beyond the aortic logistics and pipelines of the world.

 It connects the world through land, sea and air routes beyond the aortic logistics and pipelines of the world.

Pipeline logistics
  • Completion of the 14km-long pipe rake implementation plan appraoval project connecting Nakpo Pier and Kijong Industrial complex in 2017.
  • Securing the vitalization capacity of pipe rack faciliti.
  • Establishment of pipleline logistics system using piperack facilities and establishment of sales network
  • Construction of a tank terminal using the hinterland of the port in the Nakpo
Rail logistics
  • Exploring the logistics Silk Road to build a rail network connecting Eurasia.
  • Construction of a railroad logistics roadmap when constructing a North-South rail network.
  • Establishment of a roadmap for rail logistics of bulk cargo across Korea through innovation in rail network. 
Air and port logistics
  • Establishment of roadmap for Northeast Asian liquid cargo logistics hub in Yeosu National Industrial Complex
  • Establishment of liquid cargo import/export trade business system using the port of Yeosu National industrial Complex
  • Establishment of import/export trade business system for high-tech devides and semiconductor-related products using Korea’s four major airports. 

KS GROUP |  CEO: Kim Wan-sik 

Head office 17, Jungheung 2-ro, Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea 
Administration:  432-2,wollaedong,Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

TEL : (+82) 61-691-6641  | EMAIL :

Copyright ⓒ KOREA WORLD SERVICE CO.,LTD.  All rights reserved.

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