About US

About US

Thank you for visiting the KS Group.

KS Group has been committed to industrial construction and engineering for the past 30 years. Together with TNC Holdings specializing in the management of facilities and environmental safety in Yeosu industrial complex, Korea World Service begins the infinite challenge in the world!

KS GROUP |  CEO: Kim Wan-sik 

Head office 17, Jungheung 2-ro, Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea 
Administration:  432-2,wollaedong,Yeosu-si,Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

TEL : (+82) 61-691-6641  | EMAIL : joon1116@ks-group.kr

Copyright ⓒ KOREA WORLD SERVICE CO.,LTD.  All rights reserved.

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